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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-23 13:44:51 » #2484337

Instead of stealing money, she should’ve went with stealing screen time. Because she ain’t got none anymore.

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Monkeyboy commented at 2020-02-05 09:27:12 » #2488717

That's an understatement. When you watch most of Dragon Ball Z, GT and Super, it isn't like you just don't see her, like she's off screen somewhere. It actually feels like she died or something. It's pretty disturbing.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-05 09:42:51 » #2488721

Death ain’t really an issue in this series. It’s being forgotten or being useless with no purpose anymore which is unfortunately a large majority of the characters that get introduced. Like what was the point of Hit? To be stronger than Goku just to let everyone know how much the next guy that’s stronger than Goku is even stronger than the guy that was stronger than Goku? And now that he’s polished Jiren’s cock and made it look super huge and shiny compared to Goku’s, what’s his purpose now? The guy was a stepping stone.

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Anonymous commented at 2020-02-25 15:12:54 » #2496416

Just another reason to stop watching Dragonball, shit sucks now.

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