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Anonymous commented at 2009-12-13 16:01:49 » #176065

what's the point of wearing anything at all?

1 Points Flag
supernova1337 commented at 2010-03-11 12:44:15 » #256048

Everything about that looks absolutely horrible...

2 Points Flag
TheHerald commented at 2010-03-11 15:12:29 » #256090

supernova1337, by everything, do you mean that the middle girl's face is somewhat poorly drawn or that their hair isn't wet after obviously being in the water? Perhaps like me, you think there is too much red in the shadows.

Otherwise, what's horrible about 3 voluptous girls in "barely there" swimsuits walking out of the water towards the viewer?

There's much more horrible art on this site than this one. Almost anything labeled guro comes to mind.

2 Points Flag
Recumen commented at 2010-04-11 05:03:50 » #272651

What's wrong, I believe, is how most lines of definition on their bodies look like jagged scars. Or how their faces look... Wrong, in some indefinable way. Or how their feet appear to be monstrous claws. Or how the shadows seem to come from anywhere, with no consistent light source.

It's all... Almost, but so very not. The art itself wouldn't be that bad, if it wasn't for the Uncanny Valley effect.

0 Points Flag