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Anonymous commented at 2020-02-15 00:06:08 » #2492244

I just love these two, how they work off one another and parallel each other.

Neither of them are the most powerful of their organization and it’s doubtful they ever will be but they still have ambition work towards amassing power, control and influence. They both use followers while trying to recruit the strong or those with potential underneath them. Both also have very obvious sex appeal and wear dark colours.

Do-S actually is a pretty ideal archenemy for Fubuki working as a sort of twisted reflection and could’ve made for a great recurring villain or at least integral to potential growth for her. If Fubuki was given more time and focus, there could’ve been a story of her not being so reliant on her followers, going it alone because bringing henchmen along is giving her enemy more potential fuel and she could gain the confidence to best her rival herself without having her sis come to her rescue and bail her out of a tough spot. But I guess whatever they have in store for her will be just as good or better.

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