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Cypress_Cat commented at 2020-03-20 16:52:45 » #2503959

Am I right in assuming they need the cat to pull the plugs out of them in a certain amount of time of they get pregnant?

3 Points Flag
Kurogiwa commented at 2020-04-06 10:29:12 » #2509919

Almost. There are 10 girls in total, they need to contract their anus to shake the rats suspended in the tip of their dildo-tails (which is "vibrating violently") to urge the cats to hit it. When an girl get her rat to be hit 20 times she is marked, once 9 girls is marked, the last one loses the game and will get an explosion of cum inside her, and then yes, get pregnant.

Also, has the rule that the girls who couldn't get the marks in 12 hours will be losers. After that point the game restarts over and over until 72 hours pass, when the game finishes. When an girl loses, or the game is finished, all the equipment attached to her (or the winners at the end) is released. and there is food, shower and clothes outside of the room for them to enjoy before go home.

In the scene, the girl on the left gets the cat to hit her rat, but the one on the right is complaining "Wait a second, why? I'm shaking so muuch!"

8 Points Flag
sanctusdoom commented at 2020-05-24 01:37:48 » #2531168

yo stackxx do you pay for his membership on fantia?

0 Points Flag