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Anonymous commented at 2020-03-21 08:17:26 » #2504176

I still feel bad for Yamcha during this saga. I mean he didn’t even have to be taken out by ego and being blindsided with a dirty trick like that because you already knew the Saiyans were the real deal. He could’ve gone out swinging like the rest of em.

I also feel bad for Chiaotzu trying to do exactly the same thing that happened earlier only to no effect just so Goku can come down and flex on Nappa and show everybody how much stronger he is now. They’re barely characters anymore and just tools to help raise the stakes.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-21 09:30:54 » #2504183

Tien breaks Yamcha's leg

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-21 15:00:05 » #2504257

At least Yamcha actually got to really showcase his abilities during his match with Tien even if he came up short. Besides Tien was giving Roshi and even the golden boy Goku himself a hard time. This is getting wasted by a grunt and Krillin could take most of em out in a single attack. This is probably one of his better moments in Z too which is really sad unless you count the non-canon filler stuff.

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