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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-11 13:37:43 » #2512057

Sister jacks off brother while he sleeps...... also is not a hentai without nudity......... *frustration intensifies* (-_-") evolves into \(>~<)/

15 Points Flag
Gekkou25 commented at 2020-09-10 20:36:25 » #2563277

Maybe because are tired of this perverted underage andi incest fan service. That's one reason. Rational people don't care about Hebiphila or incest. Maybe.
The Japanese are very messed up mentally.

I think maybe people are sick and tired of underage fan service and quite maybe sexualizing teenagers in general. They are our prodigies the ones who will fix our mistakes we made. The Japanese have very outdated understanding of the world outside their Island. Not every Teenager or Pre-teen thinks about sex every minute every day. And that's a fact.

I think Anime would do much better without underage fan service. That's what believe. Remember Japanese people consider 13 year old sexually attractive. And I think underage fanservice is getting way out of hand. I like Anime. I'm a huge Anime fan. But even I will admit I`m underage fanservice is gross and not needed to tell great Anime Stories anymore. I`I'm sorry the point is I think people just tired of underage fanservice. Sorry for going on a tangent. Lol.

9 Points Flag
Gekkou25 commented at 2020-09-10 20:44:40 » #2563280

I know it's an unpopular opinion but that's how I view it Lol. I`I'm probably not the only one is thinking it. I am huge Anime Fan. Dragon Ball Z not Super. Naruto One Piece. Studio Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki movies. Record of Lodoss War. The list is long. One Punch Man. I didn't care much for Season 2. That was a huge letdown. I waited nearly 5 years for a sequel? I have a very philosophical mind set. Iol.

5 Points Flag
tarantella commented at 2020-09-10 21:00:34 » #2563283

Yeah, somehow I don't think you'll find a lot of support for that position here. But opinions are opinions, so who cares.

Anyway, if you think the Japanese are so messed up mentally, go read some manhwa or something.

8 Points Flag
Gekkou25 commented at 2020-09-10 21:15:42 » #2563288

Manhwa. But thank you for your honest opinion here I'll take that under consideration. Lol. But seriously I didn't like Season 2 of One Punch Man. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy some aspects of it but the story and the pacing was eeeecchhh. It was Meh. I feel the same heart and soul wasn't in season 1. But yes I get what your saying.

4 Points Flag