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Anonymous commented at 2020-05-07 20:01:50 » #2523733

<Jingle Bell Intensifies>

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-10 14:12:38 » #2525139

She sure has some strange feelings for her brother. (in the original draft script, these two where brother and sister and the manga so far haven't said this isn't the case)

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-14 23:46:45 » #2526993

You're full of it, she hasn't appeared in the original at all. Suiryu's sister is a separate character with a completely different design.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-18 23:04:17 » #2528922

@ #2526993
I never said anything about the webcomic, I was talking about he original storyboard draft for the manga. Lin Lin was Suiryu’s sister.

In the draft, Suiryu gets drunk and goes all out against Saitama during the finale of the tournament. After he has lost, his sister Lin Lin comforts her brother and admonishes him to work harder in the future.

The idea about Suiryu being drunk got scrapped, but we have not had any confirmation if Lin Lin remained his sister or not in the manga.

In the webcomic the sister has a different name, however she joined the Hero organization and so far the character of Lin Lin have not appeared in that comic. So it is possible that the sister in the webcomic will receive the hero name "Ring Ring"

Likewise, it is possible that Lin Lin is his sister in the manga as well. Murata is constantly being made to rewrite chapters at ONE's orders after all.

3 Points Flag