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Anonymous commented at 2011-11-01 15:45:04 » #915831

Man Gannondorf was an idiot. Why take over the world when you're the only male in an all female race. He pretty much had his own harem from birth but threw it away for power. Now Link has them (as if his harem wasn't big enough) since they accept him as a worthy adversary and potential mate after he saves those carpenters and he's free to walk around and look as all the hot desert women.

And more. ;)

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-25 11:55:15 » #959843

Okay. A: If you have a a whole world under your control as opposed to just a desert region, farm more possibilities. B: you forget that Link ends up having to go back in time, hence, he doesn't end up getting to keep the Gerudo pass, hence, any time he goes there, he is destined to get thrown back out, seeing as how as a kid, they'd find no reason to keep him prisoner, being unlikely to see him as a threat. Think before you speak, please. And if Link hadn't interfered, Ganondorf would have eventually succeeded, and had his wish of world sovereignty, essentially giving him access to, well, just about any woman he wanted.

3 Points Flag
Naiya commented at 2014-10-29 13:57:51 » #1625653

Anon2, I think you didn't get anything from what Anon1 said.
Chill out, man.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-02 02:40:40 » #2319854

Link needs to chill out too. When playing the 3ds version at least, he keeps huffing and puffing every 2 seconds when not walking.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-05-10 18:10:17 » #2376350

Here's my Gerudo Card maam, and yes I'm a competent "swordsman"

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