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Werewolf commented at 2009-08-27 23:59:41 » #101485

Incredibly hot. Thank you.

22 Points Flag
John__Quays commented at 2009-10-18 19:21:06 » #133191

Beautiful...I love life again.

22 Points Flag
Extraintrovert commented at 2009-12-16 08:37:20 » #178309

Gymnastics would probably be far more popular if there were plenty of incredibly toned people regularly performing almost inhuman feats of flexibility. Oh wait...

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-18 02:29:55 » #227689


9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-18 05:21:23 » #227761

Perhaps your intellectual skills would improve if you thought your statements through a little bit better, USERNUMBER 227689. If they, as you so bluntly put it 'SHOWED MORE VAG' in gymnastics, it would be pornography and not a form of exercise and/or expressive dance. As much as I agree with you that gymnastics uniforms leave little to the imagination and are incredibly attractive and arousing, there is absolutely no need to come onto any form of communication with capital letters unless they are warranted, for starters.
Secondly, as I pointed out, you need to define your categories better. Gymnastics, inherently, would best be performed nude. The suit actually limits the motions, although not by very much. Unfortunately, seeing as humans are all hormonally berserk, intellectually deprived, and prudish closet perverts, this does not occur. Instead, they place the performer in the next best thing - a suit that, while at first may seem revealing and 'erotic' is actually quite functional and modest. I have seen individuals who walk around with less clothing than a gymnast in uniform.
In short, while I may be in concurrence with your statement, there is absolutely no reason to behave like a philistine.


63 Points Flag
Kat commented at 2010-03-23 05:53:18 » #259866

Wow, "JKS". Just .. wow.

14 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2013-02-04 20:57:29 » #1259526

@227761 It wouldn't become pornography automatically by being nude. It would be pornography, if them being nude was specifically for fanservice, and this fansevice was based specifically at the area. Even then, pornography can be anything anybody faps to. Some people may get off on gymnastics as it is, therefore, to them, it is porn.

I doubt there to be more than what can a few women that can be counted on one hand, who would actually choose to perform in the nude, and if mandated, would end up hurting the business far more than help. Besides them though, I have found often the more prudish of people are actually the most perverted. And not just that, when you repress yourself, you make yourself less controllable. So many dudes that try to act like they aren't perverted, really know that if they saw the women nude, they wouldn't be able to control themselves. But they can't just say they couldn't, so they blame it on everybody else.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-27 00:18:51 » #1367716

Looks like Emma Stone

0 Points Flag
rule34lover commented at 2014-04-06 21:46:25 » #1515030

what anime is this

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-27 10:08:25 » #1558921

Actually, I believe the tight and form-fitting gymnastic outfit has utility, practicality, and is in fact athletically and hygienically preferable to nude gymnastics, as it keeps the male genitalia in place and the female genitalia closed and any secretions therefrom hidden and absorbed; as well as providing a measure of protection, lissivity, and aero-dynamism during airborne performance.

3 Points Flag