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BaldurAnthology commented at 2020-06-07 16:34:05 » #2537845

Well Excuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!

... someone had to...

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-07 19:07:39 » #2537898

What's she all grumpy about? Fuck! All her problems are solved by someone else's hardwork anyways!

"Oh Shit! I'm a prisoner in my own castle! What do I do?" Someone else does all the work and saves her lazy ass. It's called a door. Open. It.

"It happened again! FUCK. My kingdom has been usurped by evildoers! Because I'm really shitty that being in charge and can't maintain order! Ever!" Someone else scours the entire world to free her people, defeats the invaders, and gives the princess, her doomed kingdom back to her.... Why?

I stand by my opinion that Zelda, is the actual bad guy, in the entire series. She's more of a pain in the ass to Link than all of the dungeons, boss fights, puzzles, side quests, and back tracking combined! Think about it. If princess dumbass did what she was supposed to do to begin with. Link would only have to worry about the inevitable cucco up rising.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-09 00:10:43 » #2538401

Well, she isn't the hero chosen by the Master Sword, after all.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-09 00:37:44 » #2538409

Jeez, where the hell did that tl;dr hot take come from?

10 Points Flag