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Anonymous commented at 2020-06-10 20:56:10 » #2539155

It is depressing... while (IMHO) having some of the most boring and unlikeable cast of main protagonists, as well as all the female characters having ridiculous huge breasts and all having both ugly personalities as well as ugly bodies/faces...

Despite the manga being riddled with dumb scenes that were just wasted...

this manga is still the comic that so far have managed best in capturing the feeling of a true zombie-calyps. Walking Dead never did, it never captured that true survival horror.

But yes, sadly this author and creator of this manga died. So this story will forever be a zombie. It will never be finished. Ever.

Sure there is a tiny possibility that the authors brother received his notes and was told how the author wanted to finish the story... but something like that will never be able to actually capture the ending that could have been. If the author was alive they could always have changed their mind and written things differently... and if this manga was continued, we will never be 100% certain about what would have been canonically what the original author wanted, or what the new writer or whatever decided to change.

In other words, if this story ever continued... the continuation would be little better than a doujin/fanfic based on the original story.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-06-10 21:31:05 » #2539167

To be honest, Highschool of the Dead is average with tons of shit ass fanservice. I rather play Resident Evil all day than reading HOTD manga.

1 Points Flag
Waifu commented at 2020-08-05 17:50:41 » #2556115

Anon 1: I disagree with your first statement as I think the females are hot.

Anon 2: If you think HOTD is average, I bet you enjoy RE6 aka one of the worst games in the series.

3 Points Flag