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LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-20 10:52:37 » #2631246

The ACH-47A Chinook. Normally I don't list or tag varients and just use the base name as a blanket tag for all variants but I do make exceptions and this is one of them. Chinooks in general are troop and cargo transport but 4 were specially made to be gunships (heavily armed and heavily armored ground attack aircraft) in the Vietnam War and given the designation of ACH-47A.

One was lost in an accident when it tried landing, destroying itself and another aircraft. The second was lost when the pin holding one of it's guns in place got loose during combat causing the gun to aim up and shot off it's blades. The third was lost after taking many heavy hits and was finished off by mortar fire hitting it's belly.

The U.S. military refused to have them work unless there was two minimum, so since 3 of them were destroyed the 4th one, named Easy Money, was retired and now sits in a museum. Interestingly enough the idea of transport-attack chopper hybrid would be experimented with again with the S-67 Blackhawk. It showed a lot of promise and performed amazingly but it and it's crew were lost in an accident and the project was canceled. Today's UH-60 Black Hawk are named after both the Native American war leader and the S-67 Blackhawk in honor of it. It is the only attack Blackhawk we ever had.


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