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LivingCorpse commented at 2020-08-15 12:45:33 » #2557923

Something that was cut out of the movie but kept in the novelization is that Zedus was the result of a marine lizard or other reptile consuming the remains of a Gyaos. I wish they had kept that in the movie cause Zedus just seems to come out of nowhere when they cut that out. We didn't need the characters to learn where he came from, just show us the audience a lizard eating dead Gyaos flesh and we can put it together ourselves.

Plus it gives a good reason for why Gamera isn't just satisfied with crushing the Gyaos, he has to burn them cause just eating them corrupts who or whatever eats them. It also gives Zedus a reason for seeking out Gamera besides just territory, the novel says he's driven by the Gyaos' evil soul to seek out and destroy him.

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