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BaldurAnthology commented at 2020-09-16 09:47:37 » #2564228

Okay.. Kyon, Haruhi... who's the third one? This supposed to be based off that fanfiction where he had a childhood friend he was in love with from another school? Where she was like the anti-haruhi and things she didn't believe were possible couldn't happen like Yuki's powers and Haruhi's reality alteration?

0 Points Flag
Supertoast9 commented at 2020-09-26 18:53:15 » #2566268

The girl on the left is Sasaki, one of Kyon's friends from middle school.
She was introduced in the 9th novel, The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya.
She can create closed space like Haruhi, but lacks the reality warping powers.

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