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LivingCorpse commented at 2020-10-02 22:25:15 » #2567520

It's fan art but I can see it being a canon explanation why the 70's Hedorah was not hurt by Godzilla's Atomic Breath. Cadmium is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors to put out nuclear fires. It's been used on Gamera to put out his internal furnace and on Godzilla to stop his body's process of creating nuclear chain reactions. Hedorah would probably use it to prevent Godzilla's breath from doing any damage.

Even worse, Hedorah seems to feed off radiation along with other types of pollution and unlike most monsters that are nuclear powered, it's body has evolved to use Cadmium and keep it and the nuclear reactions in two separate organs to keep them from interfering with each other. So Cadmium prevents Godzilla's breath from doing any damage, and he feeds off the radiation to power his eyes, just as he feeds off chemicals, smoke, smog and other forms of waste to power the rest of his body.

Pollution is a scary monster.

3 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-06-23 20:17:14 » #2623848

Turns out it IS canon. Jolyon's art is a fan remake of official art.

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