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booleanfalse0 commented at 2020-11-27 21:09:15 » #2578154

Hourglass CNN upscaling and reformatting of the original decensor by Optional (id=118688). Done using FSRCNN_x4 and then downsampling by half with INTER_AREA, resulting in a final x2 resolution. Saved as a high quality yuvj444p mp4 file, because the original work is too good to be crammed back into a crappy 256 color gif.

6 Points Flag
booleanfalse0 commented at 2020-11-27 21:11:12 » #2578155

Might revisit this at some point since there are artifacts from when the original decensor was saved as a gif - would have to composite each frame with frames from the original and color match too, PITA

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