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SH0T05 commented at 2021-01-28 16:25:54 » #2589417

This art is really cute but I wish Saikawa was there instead of Shouta. You can't just make Kanna straight like that.

18 Points Flag
AeonofTruth commented at 2022-01-08 10:22:03 » #2678487

She was never not-straight to begin with, if you so wish for inclusion then remember bisexuals exist, and dragons, like gods, have no concept of sexuality, they simply do whenever they want with whoever they want, independently of whether the other party consents to it.
And, people who, like you, care about this kind of things make straight characters gay without paying attention to the sexuality of the character, so what is the problem with doing the opposite?

24 Points Flag
Tyler-B312 commented at 2023-05-06 11:12:45 » #2801342

I'll take this over more images of shouta with the one-note paedophilia joke that used to be a character called Lucoa.

2 Points Flag
Chaolan commented at 2023-08-01 20:45:37 » #2821585

I want to see them breeding a lot
Idc if kanna is lesbian
I just want to see her getting bred

4 Points Flag