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MasterSeijin commented at 2021-03-09 13:43:54 » #2597468

It's pretty close to being a masterpiece. I'd say that Castlevania 3: Dracula's curse comes even closer. The only flaw is that you can't collect a full team of 4 characters.

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BigStudBen commented at 2021-03-09 14:37:05 » #2597470

Yup, so was the Megaman Series, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Donkey Kong, & Legend of Zelda. I wonder if anyone will get my Reference. <3

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akx669 commented at 2023-03-13 01:14:47 » #2788840

Y'all are nuts and have no idea what the word "masterpiece" even means.
"A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship."

Artistry - Plenty of other NES games look better, Castlevania III is the most obvious example
Skill - It's as basic and as simple as videogame design gets, was probably coded in like 2 weeks, and the controls are crap. Don't argue with me on this, there are NES games that play a million times better with infinitely more complex level design, like Metroid and Zelda 2.
Workmanship - Really young developers who barely had a foot in the industry at the time, they barely knew what they were making, except for the music composition which is still fantastic to this day, but everything else was barebones

Raise your standards, fake gamers, y'all don't know shit about what makes a game a "masterpiece." Castlevania 1 is indeed a special game, but not for its artistry, gameplay, level design, or boss design, it's for its nostalgia and for being the first in the franchise, nothing more or less.

If you want a real Castlevania masterpiece, take a look at Rondo of Blood (for the old-school arcade style) and Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow (for the metroidlike style), there are no better games in the franchise.

And because some genius is gonna bring it up: Lords of Shadow series is garbage, except for the beautiful world design, otherwise they belong in the trash.

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