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Potato0123 commented at 2022-04-11 01:29:51 » #2702849

A little story that occurred to me:

Blue had lost the challenge, she had to stay on the bridge tied while using 2 vibrators one for each hole, it had been planned that the challenge would be fulfilled at night at approximately 10 pm and her friends would go to untie her before dawn approximately 5 AM, and with those plans, Blue and her 2 friends went to the bridge, undressed Blue, tied her up and finally placed the 2 vibrators, turned them on and left, saying goodbye to Blue, who began to moan and cum, after a while he saw a silhouette and she was happy, she thought that her friends had taken pity on her and had come back for her, but it was not like that, it was a strange man, who took away the 2 vibrators and inserted a dozen egg vibrators in each hole and put the vibrators back again, he proceeded to turn on all the vibrators and stayed to watch for a while as Blue moaned and writhed with pleasure while begging him to turn them off, later he destroyed the control of the vibrators, he emitted a light strange light and left, leaving blue in a much more difficult situation than it was before, his juices did not stop coming out, they slipped all over his body until he reached his face, as it was almost impossible for him to keep his mouth shut because of him. pleasure most entered her mouth,
Hours passed and finally Blue could see 2 silhouettes on her
-eh, and Blue should be here-
said one of them
+ What a coward, surely I'll tell someone else so she'll untie it after we left +
•, hohoigan this is not funny, untie me at once, a weird guy came and put more vibrators on me •
Blue said as she panted,
but they ignored her and left
Blue yelled at them over and over again but they ignored him, it dawned and people began to walk,
Blue no longer cared if she was found like this, so she yelled for her help but no one paid any attention to her,
it was terrible no one could see or hear her, apparently her punishment was never going to end...

7 Points Flag
Butterbitch commented at 2023-02-26 16:02:59 » #2785911

Potato123, leaving someone upside down for that long would be fatal. Google it if you don't believe me

2 Points Flag
Based156 commented at 2023-02-26 16:23:32 » #2785913

Honestly, I want this

0 Points Flag