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pc88 commented at 2021-02-11 10:57:05 » #2591944

The only other non-screencap image on their Twitter is art from another artist, so assuming they aren't the artist/can't draw and tagging as third party accordingly. But this image doesn't seem to exist anywhere else.

4 Points Flag
otaking3582 commented at 2021-02-18 14:02:28 » #2593279

She wears panties on top of her panties? Because I've never known bloomers to be pink and frilly like this.

2 Points Flag
Cypress_Cat commented at 2021-02-18 14:22:19 » #2593284

^They seem like bloomers, but it could be a tight petticoat from what I can tell. I wish there was a "before" pic.

1 Points Flag
laura.loli commented at 2021-02-18 21:47:42 » #2593384

They are bloomers, they're the old-style kind often worn as part of gothic-lolita fashion. (And by a lot of the Touhou girls.) Those are frequently frilly, and pink ones go nicely with Peach's dress. Women mostly do wear panties under them nowadays. These are not the same as the bloomers used for PE, those are tagged as buruma.

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