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bobojojohohokoko commented at 2021-11-30 04:21:08 » #2668193

As a husband whose wife has done the wife-on-husband version of this when I've actually been sick with a fever,
And as a husband who's done the husband-on-wife version of this whenever my wife was sick with a fever,
I can honestly say from my own personal experiences and my wife's own expressed personal opinions,
that it truly feels REALLY good to have the one you love do this for you when you're sick with a fever,
and that it truly does feel good to do this for the one you love when they're sick with a fever.
And that my fellow hentai's is what they mean by the old vows "In sickness and in health".
And to my dear twin sister, when you read this, let me know, we can do it healthy too!

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