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ICryVibe commented at 2021-07-05 06:23:04 » #2626874

I could see a dark/psychological anime about fischl getting bullied for being so different and OZ being a figment of her imagination or something happening and actually being really good.
She would have several mental breakdowns, relapse a couple times and get bullied here and there and there would be fights, but she would have made friends along the way who help her and actually love her, let's say Aether, Bennett, and Mona, maybe a teacher too, like Lisa or Jean.
She would slowly overcome the bullying and her mental health would get better with the help of her friends. At the end of the series we would have a heartbreaking but for the better scene where she lets go of OZ and accepts that he isn't real and that would be the last step to her becoming a healthy and thriving human being.

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