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objectorbit commented at 2021-07-02 07:45:02 » #2626110

Girl, I'm begging you, get a sports bra. Your tits will thank you. /s

8 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-02 08:15:40 » #2626118

Eh, yes and no. Turns out bouncing is good cause it's exercise for the breasts ligaments and make them sag less with age and that bras just cause them to atrophy and became even more saggy with age. So really bras don't have a benefit for a woman's breasts. That's not to say bras don't have their use, if bouncing is too painful or they have back problems then bras provide a lot of relief for women.

Yes I am aware you were being sarcastic, still fun to teach this.

10 Points Flag
objectorbit commented at 2021-07-02 17:58:04 » #2626220

Uh, Living Corpse, have you ever had your titties bounce a lot like that? It hurts. lol

5 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-02 19:07:13 » #2626234

Back when I was seriously working out my pecs would hurt but I got used to it, but then again my pecs aren't 5 pound bags of fat.

1 Points Flag