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bobojojohohokoko commented at 2021-11-30 04:47:43 » #2668195

Uhh...soo...I'm COMPLETELY unfamiliar with this series, but, is this guy, like, sort of anime rip-off of Marvels: The Immortal Iron Fist?
I mean, seriously, is he like, The Insatiable Iron Cock, or something? Is that what's going on here with the whole KunLun thing?

3 Points Flag
ShadowNanako commented at 2021-12-10 10:03:03 » #2670834

To answer your question: NO. Kunlun was around in stories WAY LONGER than IronFist and if anything, it was Marvel that adapted it into their stories, similar to how they adapted Norse mythology.
In this series, all of the legendary heroes had retired to Kunlun, located at the edge of the world and their descendents live there. Lloyd is considered the 'weakest' in a village full of capable Sephiroth killers.

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