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Anonymous commented at 2010-04-19 20:24:59 » #280043

naba chizuru as a cow is defenitly correct with her udders
maki as a monkey also surprisingly correct with her gymnastic ability. but evangeline as a bunny, unexpected, thought she would have been a bat or something, you know, cause of the whole vampire stuff

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-07 03:37:35 » #295476

Sayo=clione: coz she is a ghost and quite insubstantial?
Yuuna=otter: dunno, maybe otters are active?
Kazumi=canary: dunno, maybe canaries're making little "ruckuses"?
Yue=owl: owls are symbols of Athena, goddess of wisdom. And Yue's supposedly the class's "hidden" wisdom?
Ako=chicken chick: dunno, maybe too lovable?
Akira=frog: good swimmer.
Misa=goat: dunno.
Asuna=boar piglet: very straitforward, especially when attacking.
Misora=pig: dunno.
Chachamaru=giraffe: usually too quiet?
Madoka=panther: dunno.
Ku Fei=tiger: Chinese Kung-fu girl, and Chinese call strong fighters "tiger-like".
Konoka=koala: dunno, pronounciation game? Or maybe playful?
Haruna=penguin: dunno.
Setsuna=crane: true-blue graceful Japanese samurai girl.
Makie=see above.
Sakurako=dalmatian: dunno.
Mana=bear: dark skin, maybe? Ownage once pissed?
Chao=panda: stereotypically Chinese.
Kaede=Kappa: true-blue mysteriously Japanese ninja girl
Chizuru: see above.
Narutaki twins: dunno.
Satomi=axolotl: rarity? Related with scientific researches?
Chisame=fox (kitsune): able to "transform".
Evangeline (black bunny): goth-loli-related kickass cuteness?
Nodoka (seal): dunno, are seals generally very gentle creatures?
Natsumi (hamster): sometimes being the subject of Chizuru's "abusage"?
Ayaka (panther): golden fur/hair? Masterful skills in hunting/leadership?
Satsuki (squirrel): dunno, food enthusiast? Cute and chubby?
Zazie (squid): dunno, multi-talented juggler?

Just some of my own opinions!

6 Points Flag
Hectotane commented at 2011-03-23 00:08:41 » #664345

Narutaki twins: Bees. (Nick Cage screams "NOT THE BEES!!")
Kazumi: adult chicken / rooster

0 Points Flag
Crushermach3 commented at 2011-07-06 02:30:03 » #799414

Kazumi: adult 'female' chicken / hen

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