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AlyssaUWU commented at 2021-10-15 19:31:26 » #2657507

ummmm whats this >.>

0 Points Flag
laura.loli commented at 2021-10-15 19:55:38 » #2657520

It's entitled: I was killed by this world. There's some extended commentary on their Fanbox (doesn't require a subscription):

Memorandum: "I was killed by this world."

A big painting with dying messages.
I'm not good at death stuff, and I didn't want to draw a corpse, so I made it look really bloody and wrote "Nori" on a big bottle of paint beside it. At any rate, I drew in elements that gave a sense of the darkness of society on a whim, and when I look at the finished product again, I feel that it's a little thin, but when I think about the fact that it was drawn on a whim by a goofball like me, I feel that it has some persuasive power. It depends on how you look at it.

When I draw this kind of picture, I think it's better to leave some roughness, gaps, small stories, and other random things without thinking too much. If you try to make everything meaningful, it will be tiring, and of course there will be parts that won't be understood, and parts that may not be good if you twist too much. It's not very cost-effective.
So when other people are drawing pictures like this (which is not often), I look at them from that perspective, but I wonder if they are really thinking it through. If so, then so be it...
So basically social commentary about the state of the world.

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