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Anducar commented at 2021-11-14 08:51:03 » #2664443

According to Giantess Calculator:

Standard Diane, 165 cm tall (wiki), 55 kgs (guessed), with a 0.64 waist to hip ratio (wiki) and a G cup (guessed) becoming a 9 meters tall giant (wiki) will weigh 8925 kilograms

Fat Diane, same stats but starting with 85 guessed kgs and an H cup, with a 0.85 (max accepted by the calculator) waist to hip ratio that becomes a 9 meters giant will weigh 13790 kg, which means those additional 30 kgs became 4865 kgs when in giant form

Given that here she's mostly gaining weight in her belly, it means that it is weighing that wall down of around 4000 kgs (just the hanging fat part, not considering the inner part that standard Diane would also have), and if we consider her breasts resting on her belly that are adding some extra weight (each breast weighs 415 kgs in her "fat" form, so maybe 100 or 200 kgs more), which might be around 4100 or 4200 kgs total weighing on the wall there. Not enough to crack a brick wall that thick, yet still enough weight to crush a medieval carriage or a modern car, and also a though challenge to lift even for an heavy duty machine!

I just love chubby tummies and girls, so here we go with my madness ^w^

12 Points Flag
Power_Ed commented at 2022-05-31 06:49:07 » #2716377


"Standard" Diana is a giantess, Merlin has a spell/drug that shrinks her to "normal" human seize.

4 Points Flag
Anducar commented at 2022-06-07 01:36:55 » #2718306

Standard Diane in my comment means "slim Diane", not giant or small

In fact, the comparison i do is between "standard Diane" and "fat Diane"

6 Points Flag