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EricFong commented at 2009-12-13 21:05:12 » #176286

lol second translation use "fucking" lol, hmm, to defeat her, that ain't hard.

5 Points Flag
Rikko-43 commented at 2009-12-14 16:18:12 » #176866

Wonder what the third one to say "fucking" will be

5 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-12-14 17:38:00 » #176924

Mmm, Hmm. . .

Seems pretty consistent with the Statements I made back on the untranslated version.

I am a tad indecisive about this one. . .
One one hand, the Demon Lord is involved in it's creation, which could only mean bad things. On the other, It could hold many secrets to the Demon Lord himself, which may be worth the trouble if it weren't for so many uncertainties and other circumstances involved; a tad more tricky to acquire than I have anticipated. . .

This Bound by Demon Lord's Magic could be a dual edged sword to work with, I kinda like the notion of the 'Wild Ideas' part though. The Materialized portion of the excerpt intrigues me somewhat, but it also perplexes me a little. . .

Sorry to leave you folks hanging, I'll be back tomorrow maybe to finish up what I'm saying here; only responded now(today) cause I didn't want you guys talking about when I'm going to respond in later comments here.

5 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-12-15 13:08:49 » #177573

Sorry bout that folks, Had a Time Crises of sorts.
Back now, and well caught up on this matter.

Now, let's get down to business with the step by step.

Demon Lord Captures recently deceased Human spirits and 'transforms' them into Mamonos by infusing them with his mal intent succubi magic. Even so, fortunately, they retain their memories of life(despite the influence of the Demon Lords influences), as a spirit ought too.

Hmmm. . .
Perhaps this is a case of a 'deal with the devil'.
In exchange for resolving their regrets before they leave the living plane, the Demon Lord proposes a proposition to them and uses his dark magic to allow them to stay on the plane of the living, with one major side effect being that succubi/dark magic is used to carry it out, which may very will lead to typically negative effects and its true intention may very well be to give the Demon Lord More power as a result of their actions therefrom.

They lack physicality when they are first conceived, however gain physical form by absorbing spiritual energy from living human males apparently; there is not much information regarding the state/composition of their physical form once they draw energy from human hosts; we aren't sure what they will become once they attain a physical form, will they be as humans? Mamonos? Zombies with decaying bodies? The Excerpt is unclear about this which maybe a cause for concern in regards to their acquired physical form. It also doesn't state what their diet will consist of once they acquire a physical form. Will they continue to diet on the Males Spiritual Energy? Will it be the males, other 'Spiritual Energy' that will be required to sustain itself until/if it/she is completely physically stabilized? Will it be food just like that of human appetites? Will it be, brains OR perhaps Magical energy such that of zombies?
Once in the physical state, Will it then be classified as NOT a ghost and thereby it's technicality regarding its unfulfilled regrets be null in void; will it/she no longer be 'dead' once they acquire a physical form?
This excerpt indeed is fascinating and raises much questions to be answered/disputed. Perhaps more elaboration is required concerning this physical attribute they gain under the circumstances involved. . .

They have the ability to possess humans, an ability a am quite interested in myself for many applications. In regards to possessing a human male, it states that it absorbs his spiritual energy little by little, but doesn't go into the actual details of how that is carried out; Does she 'milk' it out of him using his own hand(s) Or by other 'solitary' relevant means? Does she use his body to force himself upon other humans(who for all intent argumental purposes we will assume by default are Female) and deplete it out that way? OR, is it just pretty much self extracting once she possess him? Clarification here regarding that would be appreciated. The next statements appear insightful. She fills his mind with 'wild ideas' due to the succubi magic and simultaneous(I assume) stimulates him and sucks his spiritual energy by those means. After gaining enough energy for her to take on a physical form, the male is more often than not Highly aroused of which an immediate sexual confrontation is almost certain at that point. The sexual encounter with her will result in more spiritual energy to be withdrawn from him, it doesn't state the extremities of how much spiritual energy can be drawn when in this state; is the Male in danger of losing his entire spirit in this way or just enough spiritual energy that can be drawn from orgasm or even to the point of fainting? May it result in death of carried on for too long? The Excerpt doesn't state the limits of this spiritual energy absorption, although in my educated guesswork, since the use of the term Spiritual Energy is used instead of the term spirit or soul, It would be safe to say that death, or soul loss does not occur here; at least not initially, it has to be something ongoing, something that can later be controllable to some attainable extent.

When they possess human females, they take on a sort of parasitic role; Mutualism is, also applicable but given the circumstances involved, it is more attributed to an action of parasitic control. Since the female may not carry any lewd thoughts or intentions in her mind, and the fact that the ghost Mamono Girl Infuses these potential thoughts in her mind as well as controls her to a physical degree, it is overall considered a parasitic action carried out for the most part by the Ghost Mamono Girl. Regarding it's physical attribution ability here, it doesn't state that it leaves the female hosts body after enough spiritual energy absorption to become it's own physical entity, which means that it may just stay in possession of the female host until/IF it decides to leave on its/her own(or Forced out through the use of a Medium or otherwise); It would be nice to know those extents as well. HOWEVER, there IS something stated outside the Excerpt relating to this(In the Hentai Ova, Ringetsu): It is said/believed, that IF a Ghost inhabits/possess a female Human host, that if that female becomes pregnant, the Ghost Inhabiting her Body will then become reborn(Take on physicality and become alive) as her Child. Interesting aspect, one that is questionable to some degree though perhaps may not be all that controversial depending on the circumstances and other factors taken into consideration.

Here's where a breakdown may lay. AS stated and is known, Ghosts leave the living plane once there living regrets are resolved. Under normal conditions, I'd assume given the circumstances of the Excerpt of this Mamono Girl, that isn't much of a problem to resolve as long as their regrets aren't that of mal intent. In regards to the Excerpts here, It states that the Influence of the Demon Lord Is involved, this compromises the 'normal' situations ghosts and humans find themselves in. Because the Demon Lord is Involved, it changes the circumstances significantly; what could be a regret to just say goodbye to a admired boy she never got a chance to share her feelings with to see how he felt about it, turns into a direct sexual confrontation, Not completely devoid of love, but Driven by forced means. Although it would appear to be justified, Not all the actions are intentional; She may only want a Kiss goodbye before she goes and then she can leave in peace, but because of the Demon Lords Magic, she practically may end up Raeping him, something she may not have had Any intention of doing initially, if Ever. Now, if the Male felt that strongly about her as well, then the mal involved may be greatly reduced, though that still doesn't really excuse the fact that force needed to be applied to get it there. Of course under other circumstances, perhaps the Male Didn't have those strong feelings about her, and didn't want to meet her under those state of affairs, at that point, a Malicious act can be perceived in that consent wasn't given and harm(to a significant extent) had been delivered unintentionally be the parties directly involved, though the intentions of the Demon Lord are then rendered, satisfied by their actions that he influenced. Well, that's the Demon Lord for ya.

This is a Case of Mixed Circumstances.
If the Demon Lord had not possessed so much influence in the Ghost Mamonos Actions, I would be more inclined to pursue it, for the most part.
However in retrospect, it isn't the Ghost Mamonos fault entirely; She may have had no intentions of lewd pursuit herself, but because of the Demon Lords Trickery, was fooled into believing that she indeed does.
What it all comes down to are the Initial Intentions of the Ghost Mamono Girl involved. If the Ghost Mamonos intentions are not of malicious harmful nature, then She is a victim in distress that may need saving from the Demon Lords influence. However, if her Intentions where initially malicious, than the fact that The Demon Lords assistance to her only serves to cause further harm and attained power to them, then at that point she therefore needs to be dealt with accordingly to thwart the Demon Lords Mal intentions regarding that situation.

That said, I could pursuit this Mamono Girl, but with great caution, recon, and preparation. Need to know the details of their haunts on the living plane, and how much spiritual Energy they have drained if Any. I can think of a few traps & tactics to capture them, but they themselves could be traps'NO, Not THAT~guy~ Kind of Trap >:(' as well. Tricky, I'm Intrigued, but I'll hold off on it for the while till I get my bearings together as to how I should approach this situation.

7 Points Flag
EricFong commented at 2009-12-15 21:32:57 » #177906

That is some research you done there, good job.

5 Points Flag
ohyeah commented at 2009-12-17 02:09:03 » #179084

(O_O)... Holy matha fucken hell, that was a hell of alot of typing, think, and research you did there.
And i thought the short storie i posted on this site along time ago was long.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-17 02:48:57 » #179115

Wow. Totallt tl;dr

5 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-12-17 11:39:24 » #179262

IF ya'll think THAT's bad/good, you should see the other stuff I wrote relevant to Mamono girls:

Mamono Girl Discussions Thread:

Threfs Mamono Girl Troupe, Secondary Stationary:

Threfs Mamono Girls, Strictly Business Dealings/Familiars:

Curiosity beckons that you take a look, though fear of WoT turns you away.

To all tl;dr's concerning my posts,
If you didn't read it, you can't handle it; 2much4u, Fear The WoT >:).

I do admit, this one DID involve a lot of text due to the complexities involved in it's conception, But I don't see anyone complaining about the amount of text in the descriptions of these Mamono Girl Images. IF my texts are too long for you to read, you can come back to them and pick up from where you left off later.

A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words, I make it a tendency that it gets it's monies worth, If I even bother to dignify it with a response at all.

Another question is, Would a Picture with Words in it be worth 1000 words, Plus the amount of words in the Picture itself?

4 Points Flag
Deko commented at 2009-12-26 17:32:40 » #185977

You guys are taking this too far.....I love them too but...OMG.....You guy like..are about to create a encyclopedia about the mamono girls >_>!!!

5 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-12-28 11:46:57 » #187320

IS Not the tag, Monster_Girl_Profile already evident of that, Deko?

And What's wrong with defining them anyway?
There are many different Mamono Girls, each with traits to look into and some to avoid.

Unlike just images, the text tells you their composition so that you know what your in for should you encounter/confront them(fictionally speaking).

Would you know what to do OR how to Escape/prevent a Beelzebub Attack without the guidance of these scripts?


Just Keep clean to avoid them, and carry some disinfectant spray handy to repel them should you be actively attacked; bug spray probably wouldn't work.

I've Already explained Elsewhere how to get rid of Ghost Mamono Girls when they come through your door, Unless you justa want some more. . . XD.

1 Points Flag