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SackLover commented at 2022-02-01 00:22:53 » #2684982

I've always wondered if there's any actual story to the art featuring this particular OC of the artist. Some of the art he does seems to be connected to each other while others don't. Whatever the case, he is a very talented artist though I do wonder what is the lore in this piece of artwork. Obviously there was a fight that the OC won flawlessly but then who is the woman with the bag over her head?

She seems to be unharmed aside from what might be a scar on her stomach so she might not be the OC's assailant. She could be a client that needs to be rescued or a prisoner she needs to torture for information which would explain why she's in her underwear. But she could be the assailant and she just has bruises on her arms, legs or even on her face that's covered by the burlap sack. But then why is she in her underwear if that's the case? Does it help with the torture or is the OC just kinky like that?

I also checked the artist's pics on Twitter and the prototype for this picture has the woman's hair slipping out of the hood, which it doesn't here which seems to imply the hooded woman is the artist's other OC who often appears with this one and her hair style is even similar so she could just be her being very kinky with her possible friend with benefits as there's one yuri pic of them. And if it isn't, she might just be a prisoner as she's wearing orange pants in it unless she just happens to be wearing orange pants. Whatever the case, it's a very well made drawing.

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