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ZimZam commented at 2022-01-18 06:57:11 » #2681094

That sad feeling when Girls Frontline is becoming more lewd than Azur Lane... a game that is known for being lewd. These regulated skins Azur Lane has been getting are going to be the end. Blue Archive is also sapping lots of this games popularity away.

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TrueGenderEquality_ commented at 2022-01-18 13:40:13 » #2681166

Do you play Azur Lane or nah? When they started doing the bunny skins (cause of the fools at Honkai removing the event and they seriously lost cash while Azur lane and Blue archive picked up opportunity) some have risky l2d's.

Bremerton's date skin has her pulling down her top to show you deep cleavage hell even Abercrombie bunny does a wank off gesture. Shimakaze bunny moans hard while holding between her legs and Le Malin bunny licks her popsicle in a way that makes you think. They probably thought too many swimsuit skins where getting boring so they changed it up. As for Blue Archive sapping popularity I highly doubt that with the absolute mess global is. As for being more lewd probably not and the moment they make swimsuit or summer skins again you'll hear "what swimsuit skins again?" Seriously people complain about anything.

Not saying your not allowed your fair opinion but look at the skins and their rotations. Lunar year are traditional Chinese dresses not like party dresses that are less covered up. Azuma got a lunar year skin and while it's covered up she's completely nude at login and magically getting her clothes on as the l2d plays out. I have almost every skin since I started or skins that I liked so I know the skins and how lewd they are. Just my take on that because not everyone buys skins or buys a ton of them.

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