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martinstorm commented at 2022-03-30 06:18:35 » #2699849

I need context.

3 Points Flag
DougDimmadome commented at 2022-03-30 06:55:23 » #2699852

The PC of the game, Raidy, has been captured is abused sexually, haven't played it in a while so can't remember the scene progression. Its an Erotic RPG, what other context do you need?

Honestly, Lightning Warrior Raidy are one of my favorite adult games, if you love Dungeon Master style games and BDSM adult content its some of the best more polished stuff there is.

1 Points Flag
martinstorm commented at 2022-04-03 20:37:04 » #2701015

I found this scene. During the battle with the succubus, Raidy snorted an aphrodisiac and has been defeated. And then, Raidy has gotten herself captured and all of her items and clotches have been removed from her…except the Thief's Lockpick (perhaps, she hid lockpick in hair) which she will use to open her cell. She wrapped a bedsheet around her body and escaped.
If the succubus hadn't laid a sheet for her in her cell, Raidy would have had to walk around naked.

4 Points Flag