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luigi-dude commented at 2022-02-09 18:50:24 » #2687286

The romance for hearts principle was proven for Midna after watching the Yetis.

11 Points Flag
gdpr commented at 2022-02-09 19:02:49 » #2687287

You can also fill those hearts by uhhh... uhhh i don't remebmer it's been a long time since i last played zelda on snes.

6 Points Flag
willyFF7 commented at 2022-02-09 20:08:01 » #2687302

Fill them hearts by drinking milk, hearts from pots/grass, have a pink fairy spin around you, buy expensive potion, maybe rest some places, can't remember how else.
But I think she's referring to having her butt filled as another way to gain hearts :3

11 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2022-02-09 21:42:53 » #2687318

gdpr You know its funny everyone assumes that young woman and old lady who invite Link into their house to heal his health and replenish his magic are hookers when its like or they just think he is hot and invite him in for sex. Doesn't mean they are hookers. I mean its Link, he gets hit on all the time.

12 Points Flag