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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-22 01:42:47 » #341012

So let me get this straight....outside the SH crew, regular Luffy is populary paired with Hancock (for obvious reasons), while on a similar concept, Luffyko is going to be populary paired with Crocodile? Cool. Luffy/Luffyko's childishness seem to attract older, more mature partners.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-20 10:46:27 » #371695

What I don't get is WHY LuffykoxCrocodile?

I probably can't get it because I can't forget Crocodile's actions in his debut arc. At least Hancock has a huge Freudian Excuse for how she treats everyone except Luffy. What kind of reason(s) would Crocodile have, for what he did in Alabasta/Arabasta, that would excuse him and/or make him sympathetic enough to pair with Luffyko?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-23 14:16:51 » #375729

Well, you'll likely admit that Crocodile is a pretty intimidating/ruthless villian. Those are usually qualities associated with the dominant partner of a relationship to balance the uke's carefree/bubbly personality. That at least covers the reasons of the fanbase; as far as the plot is concerned, I got nothing.

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