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Mavheit commented at 2022-02-08 18:11:48 » #2687008

Thank you very much for the translation! Are you planning to do more in the future? :)

4 Points Flag
biggreasy10 commented at 2022-02-11 16:10:25 » #2687812

I did not translate this, check the source link for a large gallery. e-hentai.org/g/2033122/fc22859a52/?p=4

5 Points Flag
DEVILFISH97 commented at 2022-02-11 17:20:18 » #2687825

So much effort went into explaining the materials and the magic of the item but they never even said what the talking tube is meant to be and why does it go into the head

5 Points Flag
biggreasy10 commented at 2022-02-13 12:47:37 » #2688292

The speaking tube is so the person using the slave can speak through it (if they want).

4 Points Flag
automotivelover69 commented at 2022-08-21 07:52:14 » #2740821

From my understanding of how its functioning, the maniquin head is hollow and the naniqauin mouth is open so the people who's girl has this trap on them can talk to the person f'n the maniquin
if that made any sense

1 Points Flag
PuzzlePieces commented at 2023-02-03 16:33:51 » #2781079

God. I hate myself for liking this. But I'd like to use it on a girlfriend not someone elses wife. Like imagine your girl goes to work on your day off so you sexually tease her pussy all dang day and when she gets home she's freaking ready to rock.

4 Points Flag