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HSM commented at 2022-02-13 17:26:00 » #2688348

This would be far more subtle... Anyway, I wonder why she's so determined to feed herself to Kobayashi... It makes me wonder if she tries to make her immortal or something...
PS: wasn't her meat at least toxic and required a special workup?

4 Points Flag
Flamingo123 commented at 2022-02-13 20:58:22 » #2688403

I was just looking for some cute art but… huh

Also yeah but like her tail had poison which could be because it's her meat but milk well that is pretty much made for drinking so probably not poisonous ? Also no it's not the immortality thingy because she once said that she could give her that if she wanted to but seems like Kobayashi wouldn't wanna so it's probably just some weird form of bonding ? Maybe makes more sense for dragons and it's just a weird practice they have or could also be just Tohru being weird hahaha

15 Points Flag
spiderfan commented at 2022-03-21 19:52:53 » #2697634

I'll drink that coffee

6 Points Flag