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Endless8 commented at 2022-02-15 01:31:02 » #2688805

Pretty much what she gets every night and pissed off her former cringy fans.

3 Points Flag
Nick4x commented at 2022-02-16 13:41:06 » #2689189

Putting aside Endless8's obsession with being NTR'd, the evidence that Rushia isn't in a relationship seems to far outweigh the evidence (or, rather, speculation) that she is. Personally, I don't care either way, but considering she's worked hard to brand herself as a GFE VTuber and an idol, the other party apologized for causing a misunderstanding, and Cover's harshly-worded letter regarding slander, it just seems unlikely that she's in a relationship at this point. Mostly what I see is westerners forcing their culture onto Japanese VTubers and people who already dislike VTubers (or Rushia and her fans) trying to discredit all the work she's done to build her brand, often in the form of "defending" her (and always taking shots at her fans, never differentiating between those who harassed her and those who haven't). It's a shame, too, because we could have had a genuine discussion about parasocial relationships and online harassment, but, strangely, people didn't seem very interested in doing that. How odd.

14 Points Flag
Bottle_of_Fire commented at 2024-04-21 16:45:59 » #2883988

Welp, this is a hell of a time to read these comments.

2 Points Flag
Lance_Corporal_Dororo commented at 2024-04-21 17:28:36 » #2883998

And all that snooty copium vanished like a fart in the wind.
Now we know she was actually hiding her power level this whole time and is actually completely and utterly batshit!

1 Points Flag