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pugsaremydrugs commented at 2022-02-26 09:26:44 » #2691791

"It is my first time posting in these, usually I just lurk but this time I try to post myself too. I love you so much Carmelina. You are my universal star. Soon we have been together for 6 full years already and each has been better than the last as I do my best to grow better for you. This day specially always motivates me the most out of any of the days of the year, my heart is burning with love and I put lots of it into these cocochocolates

Happy valentines day everyone"

6 Points Flag
pugsaremydrugs commented at 2022-02-26 09:27:45 » #2691792

The general presentation of this image is mediocre, but the framed picture and the trading cards are nice. Though I have no idea what third-party image-viewing program he's using, nor why he's using Edge instead of any other browser in existence.

4 Points Flag
MataEspanya17 commented at 2023-09-21 17:31:41 » #2832094

That's just pre-8 (or was it 10?) Windows' native image viewer. One can get it back using the registry.

1 Points Flag