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Zogar commented at 2010-01-28 00:39:11 » #213843

Wow i guess she was right when she said that digimon don't really really have a sex. Still hit hir though! XD

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-18 13:38:57 » #405666

man you must be retarded as fuck

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-29 22:20:19 » #418721

*clicks on next thumbnail quickly pretending that I never even saw it*
ugh screw it T_T

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-07 01:41:57 » #428393

lawl. She's got that "Yeah I have a penis even though I'm a girl" look to her.

3 Points Flag
theguyinthecloset commented at 2010-12-10 22:07:59 » #539912


It might be because she has a penis even though she's a girl

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-18 10:10:56 » #1815844

Constructed pronouns are undoubtedly the most retarded thing I've ever heard. It isn't English and it never will be. It's crap than came from furries wanting to further separate from reality and invest themselves in their roleplay, creating a stupid and unnecessary distinction to add some kind of importance to their identity.

The concept simply doesn't exist in humanity, and people that convince themselves that 'hir' is a legitimate concept are failing at logic while deluding themselves into their own small perception.

You understand you really do look like a moron when you say shit like that, right? It's only because you're surrounded by equally stupid people, or people that are fearful of being equally judged if they judge you, that it's even a minor thing on the internet. Everyone else who isn't blinded by their own interest in the subject hates it and thinks you're stupid.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-19 07:16:18 » #1972038

Ignoring the possibility the commenter was using Dvorak or another keyboard layout that puts all the vowels together, in which case hir might've just been a typo(Granted, even on a qwerty keyboard, it might've been a typo, but that seems less likely), I think it worth noting that language changes all the time with new words entering the common vocabulary, old worlds becoming archaic, and some words changing quite drastically in meaning. William Shakespeare is considered a modern English playwright, yet the English he uses is different enough from the English of the present-day to trip up most native speakers of English, and Geoffrey Chaucer, just a few centuries earlier, is almost completely incomprehensible without translation to modern English. Internet culture and consumer electronics alone have introduced hundreds, if not thousands of words into the vernacular during my lifetime, and it's been in living memory that the word gay has shifted in meaning from happy to homosexual and probably less known examples of word meanings changing with potentially hilarious results.

Personally, I'm fine with using female pronouns for futanari, but there's nothing stopping a set of futa-specific pronouns from entering common usage, just as there was nothing stopping the import of the word futanari into English.

Also, natural language seldom follows logic. If it did, English wouldn't be filled with words whose spelling and pronunciation are phonetically incompatible, wouldn't have a dozen or so suffixes used for generating demonyms and proper Adjectives with no clear pattern to their usage, wouldn't have an exception to nearly every rule of grammar, and wouldn't be full of words that seem to follow their own rules rather than the language's rules.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-19 12:41:27 » #1972143

Difference is anon that those two examples you posted had historical significance and large influence. Meanwhile those that actually use the made up pronouns of "Hir" are just a vocal minority on the sea of the ever-growing internet and are regularly ridiculed for using such dumb sounding madeup words outside of their communities. And so it'll stay that way and eventually fall out of usage.

You can't even pronounce it any different from "her", so that makes it even worse for general usage.

0 Points Flag