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uniform-lover commented at 2023-09-28 15:02:42 » #2833651

this is brilliant. Cant believe I missed this but then again I am in a Sonic-craze what with watching both movies along with Mario.

So from left to right;

Original Robotnik (early design BEFORE the concept of Sonic was even made. Robotnik was supposed to be the MC)
Faded out is Eggman from Sonic 06 (probably faded out because they want to forget about that terrible game)
I dont know who the woman is, maybe Robotnik's sister?
Then there's Robotnik from the modern movies played by Jim Carrey AKA Ace Ventura, Lloyd Christmas and The Mask
Then Eggma'am which I've only just disvoered as I saw a picture of her standing with Bowsette due to watching mario movie
The most used design of Eggman which started on Sonic Adventure I believe
Dont know the little one in the middle
Then classic Robotnik from the 90's Sonic games
No idea about the black Robotnik (dont know which games he's from)
Then its Robotnik from the American cartoon alongside the Archie comic
Lastly, Eggman from Sonic Boom game and animated series

Also not a Mario fun but wanted to check the movie but glad I did because I would have never found Eggma'am. I love her, she reminds me of Android 21

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spiderfan commented at 2023-09-28 16:00:48 » #2833668

Robotnik: into the Robotnikverse

And yes Dr. Robotnik, your voice actor having to listen to Chris Chan? Its a canon event

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