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HSM commented at 2022-04-20 07:17:07 » #2705397

I really like images of the countryside like here, or in the horror show Higurashi. Besides being far from the hustle and bustle of the cities, it's also a unique ecosystem. It's often overlooked, but before we got to high-intensity farming, we had a huge area that was a transitional space, where plants and animals thrived that you wouldn't find much anywhere else. It really hit me when I realized how much of an impact we had, just by our forestry (cropping trees causing them to regrow in a very different way by the stump, but also promoting smaller plants and pushing other plants to extinction).

2 Points Flag
KaizokuJimbei commented at 2022-07-15 05:13:36 » #2728857

Most of the planet's surface is unoccupied by humans. There are still plenty of places that look like the image above.

7 Points Flag