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BrientheGirl commented at 2022-06-05 22:10:48 » #2717972

Looks intriguing. Hope we can get some translations soon. You're one my my favorite artists. ^_^

2 Points Flag
BurningBirds commented at 2022-06-24 05:34:44 » #2723132

Translation doesn't make sense without the context of the story it's written for. The story can be found through the source, though you'll need to use Google Translate. Well worth it, IMO.

Text explains how the device is used to prevent a girl with time stop abilities from using them to escape. The girl is wearing the device 24/7, and it's constantly monitoring her blood oxygen levels, restricting her airflow enough so she's always on the edge of suffocation, but never pushes her past that unless she uses her abilities. The device has an onboard computer, and is connected wirelessly to a broader network. If the device detects it's onboard time differs from the time of the network (or, presumably, the network loses signal), it assumes the girl has used the time stop power, and cuts off her air completely. Due to being mostly suffocated already, the girl will quickly lose consciousness, and be unable to remove the device in time.

This device is one of three (pics of the other two are also here), and they are listed as auxiliary containment devices. So presumably, there is one or more primary containment device/s? I haven't read enough of the story to know.

4 Points Flag