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BurningBirds commented at 2022-06-24 05:51:58 » #2723138

Picture is one of many used for an erotic fic that can be found (in Mandarin) through the source.
The device shown is the first of three 'Auxiliary containment devices', and honestly, doesn't need much explanation. Text reads 'The reducer is a pair of silver-white lockable 12cm high heels. Because it is extremely difficult to walk while wearing, it can effectively limit the movement of girls. Once the reducer is locked, it cannot be removed by itself, and must be worn 24/7.'

This is followed by what seems to be a message from the creator of the device.
'We understand that wearing a DeRailleur for an extended period of time can put a huge burden on the feet of the girl. We express our most sincere apologies for this.'

No, I don't know why they suddenly started calling it something different either. Probably makes sense in the story.

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