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-Kanrabat- commented at 2022-06-03 16:16:51 » #2717377

Well, it's Twitter. And the funniest thing is, the more the anis spreg out, the more publicity the thing they want cancelled get.

26 Points Flag
DougDimmadome commented at 2022-06-03 16:25:53 » #2717380

You will never win antis, we have all the smug lolis!

37 Points Flag
scabbyonmyknee commented at 2022-06-06 12:39:08 » #2718124

It's a really bad sign when you you can't spell "antis" or "sperg" or figure out how to use "gets" or "sperg" & yet you still insist on using "sperg" as an insult. Especially when you're the first commenter under a picture that barely has a message to it at all. No self awareness or common sense at all. You have the exact same mentality as a toxic anti. "I don't know anything about this but I'm gonna complain about it anyway."

DougDimmadome is more on point. Nothing beats smug lolis.

18 Points Flag
QAiizx commented at 2022-06-06 13:41:10 » #2718140

Why are people on this site so obsessed with twitter? Always eager to bring up stuff from there on to here

41 Points Flag
Kevinaosei commented at 2022-06-11 11:31:49 » #2719536

Everyone in this comment section needs to touch grass.

30 Points Flag
poopychan commented at 2022-06-12 03:03:21 » #2719699

What the fuck is an anti

13 Points Flag
SmugTimeTraveler commented at 2022-06-12 05:02:51 » #2719715

An anti (to my knowledge) is basically someone that has a dislike for anime or generally disagrees with certain parts of anime and its community and are viewed as obnoxious or annoying, they are seen more as social justice warriors that continuously create outrage over things many would find to be miniscule or non-harmful. With context to the image above the picture is basically flipping off people getting offended on Twitter about artists such as Sakimichan creating aged up, sexual depictions of the character Anya from the show SpyXFamily. Anti's are typically known to bring up a character's canonical age. They get a bad wrap over previous online dramas such as claiming that making lewd depictions of characters like Uzaki Hana makes someone a lolicon despite the fact that the character is canonically an adult. They are also typically known to harass artists on Twitter over various incredibly petty reasons. I'm an now going to touch grass, thanks for attending my TED talk.

58 Points Flag
PurpleHairAficionado commented at 2023-03-11 03:08:18 » #2788421

Like a year late lol but commenter above is wrong, antis have nothing necessarily to do with anime and are not defined as disliking parts of anime or its community, far from it, they tend to be immensely engrossed in anime and games etc. Antis are short for antishippers, which are the flipside to proshippers. Proshippers say that any fictional pairing or depiction is totally fine and normal because it's not real, while antishippers disagree with unethical or perverse stories of fictonal characters on the basis that it causes real world harm, such as rape. It's all old tumblr shipping wars that still persist. Frankly anybody who identifies with either label puts way too much stake in fiction if you ask me but my opinion is worthless

9 Points Flag