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Chardse commented at 2023-08-20 13:17:31 » #2825471

There are so many things wrong with this, even ignoring morals.

They have very little reaction to this level pain and trauma. There's no way they're making entire sentences after losing three limbs. They also barely bleed at all, their hair is far too clean for being supposedly eating like pigs for a few weeks (it's even glossy!), and the part about inflicting pain making the flavor better has no scientific basis. In face, people usually try to do the opposite, to not tense up the meat. There's also a couple of things wrong with the final stuffing, cooking, and presentation (there's no way it looks like that unless they spent a lot of effort on making the head look that pretty after a traumatic death, and stomachs can't usually stretch that much. If they did, it wouldn't look so confined like that.

I'm lead to believe the creature being slaughtered here aren't regular humans, but some kind of genetically engineered human.
That doesn't explain the pain requirement though.

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