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twilight_jester commented at 2022-06-25 01:02:29 » #2723344

you know what the down side to this anime will be, it won't have the original soundtrack to it.

5 Points Flag
eNBy commented at 2022-06-25 01:06:22 » #2723346

Well I mean, Jeff Williams original RWBY soundtrack does in fact go hard, and is the only consistently good thing about the series, so I'm not complaining!

6 Points Flag
Kochan23 commented at 2022-06-25 20:30:55 » #2723580

Okay so this one is actually a legit Japanese-made anime? Will it have good story and characters this time? I remember watching the first episodes on CR in like 2017 because I liked the soundtrack, mostly the vocal songs like what was in the trailers I believe? Those were godly tbh, with good vocals and lyrics, so the show being bad imo, was severely disappointing to me

1 Points Flag