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Anonymous commented at 2010-04-29 08:17:50 » #288302

It was the idiots of gen one and two that have been known to spout this nonsense on their shitty geocities pages. That's the great thing about third and onwards, that by then, everyone developed the ability to recognize bullshit.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-29 09:36:36 » #288336

You can't say "it was the idiots from gen one and two" just like like. Yeah, dumb rumors were made back then and spout around when the internet was young. But kids would come up with anything and believe alot so...

Look at Missingno'. And then the S.S. Anne truck. What are the chances of things like that existing? Especially Missingno'. And then Mew, the extra Pokemon that Nintendo didn't even know about at first. And since you caught Mewtwo before Mew, you get a good opportunity to make up dumb rumors for unsuspecting people to believe.

Personally, I never heard of Mewthree back in the day although I'll admit I wasted a bit of time trying to move that bloody truck. I wanted my Mew.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-29 16:36:01 » #288578

I believe Anon1 meant, "ALMOST everyone developed the ability to recognize bullshit." As Anon2 proves, not everyone has.

Yes, gen 1 and 2 is where the Mewthree bullshit came from. Enough of this fucking misattribution.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-30 09:51:31 » #289281

Yes, Anon3 but you might've missed the point (the back in the day, maybe). Yes, Gen 1 and 2 is where all of the bullshit came. And it's because it was Gen 1 and 2. We're at Gen 5 and there are tons of sites dedicated to Pokemon. Hard for bullshit to get around now. When the series was young and everyone was pretty much a kid then, shit existed since it wasn't hard for it to exist. Like Anon1 said, geocities. And the other... I think it was angelfire? So yeah, everyone developed the ability to sniff out the shit from a mile away.

If a kid got into Pokemon these days, naive and without the touch of the internet, he might be more inclined to believe some shit about the new games.

But like you said, fuck, whatever. Not that it matters much. Though if you bring an event Celebi to the Tin/Bell Tower in HG/SS after beating the Elite Four 25 times and Red 20 times, you get an event where you receive the baby form to Zorua that hasn't been announced yet. :P

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-31 17:54:36 » #420873

Anon4, you make me happy.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-02 15:36:11 » #1352471

Actually, Missingo was a real phenomena since it was how I used to clone my rare candies :p

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