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Cancerouscrab commented at 2022-12-10 12:12:53 » #2769262

Fun fact: Uraraka originally had Mount Lady's hero name, real name, and quirk, but the rest of her design was actually quite similar to her current one. The two were later split into separate characters.

I initially didn't like that Mount Lady was reduced to such a minor role (partially because I love giantesses), but at this point, she's probably the only female character in MHA to have a character arc, and frankly she has the best arc in the series (made even better by the first episode/chapter being her first day on the job), and she's become a lot more major than she used to be recently.

7 Points Flag
spiderfan commented at 2022-12-10 20:25:12 » #2769374

Kang the conqueror: *goes back in time and stops the assassination of Abraham Lincoln*

The timeline

1 Points Flag