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Gunnerkrigg commented at 2023-07-21 01:34:29 » #2819011

Man so much of this guy's art leaves me perplexed but in a good way. The more I stare at it the more I wonder what the fuck is going on here or what's supposedly being referenced.
Like who did the severed hand come from? It doesn't seem to be from a student at that school because the sleeve doesn't have the same blue cuff as the others. Why was is stabbed twice and did that happen before or after being cut off? What's the deal with spent bullet casings? What are the feathers for and is she going to hammer the feather or the hand? Is the blood dripping down her leg from her or the hand? And what chemical is pictured on the whiteboard?
Always so many things to notice and think about in his pics.

4 Points Flag
botatlanta commented at 2023-07-27 12:32:32 » #2820386

Hey Gunnerkrigg, on the off chance you see this, what this is referencing is an experiment that induces phantom limb sensations. Basically you put someone's hand somewhere they can't see it, show them a fake hand, and make them feel the same sensations on their hidden hand that they observe on the fake hand. So you could brush their hidden hand the same way you brush the plastic hand, and then they would still "feel" a sensation when you stop brushing their real hand because they can still see it on the fake hand. It's really interesting stuff, there's a video on YouTube called "Scientists create phantom sensations in non-amputees" that shows you a little more. It looks like they shot the girl through the desk though. That's not going to be imaginary pain.

6 Points Flag