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Kuroinu_fan commented at 2023-03-22 23:41:17 » #2791072

Can this be tagged as impregnation when we don't even have proofs? I don't know, doesn't feel like it should be unless we see the sperm reach the ovum. Is it because she was screaming "don't impregnate me!", if that's good enough the blonde who was getting boned by the old man saying he was going to fertilize her completely should also be tagged with impregnation? tags should be easier to decide....

7 Points Flag
alleng200 commented at 2023-04-23 21:39:53 » #2798523

Can someone explain to me what happened to Claudia's husband? With Klaus, I wonder if he survived and managed to escape, I don't even remember if it is explained what happened to him.

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