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Hhermanto584 commented at 2023-03-12 05:48:16 » #2788633

This bastard must die, has raped her lost virginity, few raped everyday. I hate ugly bastard must die by god as Judgement

21 Points Flag
ArtAboveAll commented at 2023-03-12 10:28:57 » #2788674


You need to be hating on the main girl instead of him. For starters, Sayaka claims the fat guy blackmailed her, yet before this, she is seen talking to him about how his night went with her sister (Who she set up to be raped by him). Even on the phone, he says they will all get together and do it until dawn. She doesn't seem troubled by this in the slightest. So, how can this be considered blackmail? It's almost like the writers forgot the two characters' discussion before throwing that sex scene in there. If anything, she knew his intentions and didn't try to fight them but instead led him on. The studio attempts to present it as blackmail but fails in its execution. It seems they wanted to add a shock factor in that last scene, but it's unsurprising. It was built up, and Sayaka proved she was willing to spread her legs for anyone. They succeeded in creating a female protagonist who you can hate because, wow, this girl has no shame. She cheats on her first boyfriend with his brother and then on him with her former gym coach. Not to mention, she sets up a raping session for her sister. So yeah, the worst hentai girlfriend of the year goes to Sayaka.

43 Points Flag
ArtAboveAll commented at 2023-11-13 04:47:12 » #2843588

When the true villain of the series is the main female.

2 Points Flag